Greetings Grade 5’s!
Our unit on Data Management is coming to an end and I am thrilled with everyone’s progress! We will have our unit test on Monday, and I am hope that everyone uses the weekend to study and practice their math skills.
We had a lot of fun surveying the class’ shoe size, height, arm length, and arm span, and then calculating the mean, median, and mode. I think this was one of my favourite math activities so far! Did you enjoy conducting our surveys too?
I wanted to share this music video with you that has a great song about mean, median, and mode. I am warning you though; it is very catchy and will be playing in your head all day long! I keep catching myself humming the tune J
This song is a great mnemonic device – do you know what a mnemonic device is? I would like to see who can tell us what this is tomorrow in class. Here’s a clue, a mnemonic device helps you to study...
Enjoy the video!
Ms. Greenberg