Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mean, Median, and Mode

Greetings Grade 5’s!
Our unit on Data Management is coming to an end and I am thrilled with everyone’s progress! We will have our unit test on Monday, and I am hope that everyone uses the weekend to study and practice their math skills.
We had a lot of fun surveying the class’ shoe size, height, arm length, and arm span, and then calculating the mean, median, and mode. I think this was one of my favourite math activities so far! Did you enjoy conducting our surveys too?
I wanted to share this music video with you that has a great song about mean, median, and mode. I am warning you though; it is very catchy and will be playing in your head all day long! I keep catching myself humming the tune J
This song is a great mnemonic device – do you know what a mnemonic device is? I would like to see who can tell us what this is tomorrow in class. Here’s a clue, a mnemonic device helps you to study...
Enjoy the video!
Ms. Greenberg

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Election Time!

Greetings Grade 5’s!
As we have been discussing in class, the election is quickly approaching. On Monday, May 2nd, citizens across Canada will be voting for a new Prime Minister and choosing a political party to represent us.
This week in our Social Studies classes we have been learning about the different levels of government, and what services each one provides. The three levels are Municipal, Provincial, and Federal – do you remember which level of government the Prime Minister belongs to?
It is very important for all Canadians to go out and vote and this is our opportunity to voice our opinions. We have been discussing the rights and responsibilities of citizens in our Social Studies class, and you may recall that voting is both our right AND a responsibility.  Do you remember what age Canadians must be to vote?
We will be working on more activities related to the election this upcoming week, and we will be looking at the different political parties that are running in this election. You may have noticed different signs on peoples’ lawns and around our school – try to notice the different colours and if you can see a pattern. We will be discussing these signs in class on Monday. Some questions to consider...
Do you have an election sign on your lawn?
What is the name of the candidate on the sign?
What are the colours of your sign?
What do you think those colours represent?
I am certainly looking forward to our political discussions!
Ms. Greenberg

Do you recognize these men?

What is their role in the election?

An worthwhile event...

Greetings Grade 5’s!
I wanted to share an upcoming event in our city with you. From Thursday, May 5th through Sunday, May 8th, the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) is hosting its 96th Annual Graduate Exhibition.

OCAD is Canada’s largest university for Art & Design, and students study there to become professional artists and designers. I was a student at OCAD not too long ago, and I participated in the Graduate Exhibition the year I finished.  
This is a free event that you can visit with your families to see Art and Design pieces of work that will hopefully inspire and excite you! OCAD is right next door to the Art Gallery of Ontario – our province’s collection of artwork. Both the Art Gallery of Ontario and OCAD are really interesting buildings, and OCAD looks like a box floating on pencils, it is really cool to see in person!
We have been focusing on Graphic Design in our art classes, and this would be a great (and free) opportunity to see some fantastic artwork from students living in our city. You will notice many different types of posters, advertisements, and brochures all around you if you visit the show, and please make some observations about them.
I hope you have the chance to visit OCAD, and I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences. I know I am excited to see all of the different work on display!
Ms. Greenberg

This is a photograph of the
The builidng has recently had a major renovation and it has a very interesting appearance.

What do you think of this building?

This is a photograph of

Did you know that this funny looking building
was in downtown Toronto?

 Have you ever seen it before?


Greetings Parents, Guardians, and Family Members,
I’d like to welcome you to our class’ online blogspot – a portal of information for both students and their families. This blog will provide regular updates on what is happening in our classroom and school, and will feature links for interesting websites, and places to visit (both in Toronto and online).
My name is Ms. Greenberg and I am excited to be teaching grade 5 this year. I have recently finished Teacher’s College, and I am looking forward to sharing my enthusiasm and love of learning with my students. I am not only a teacher, but also an artist, and this year my students will have the opportunity to learn in an arts-enriched environment. I will be approaching all of my lessons with creativity and will try my very best to work to meet each student’s individual needs. This year I hope to collaborate and communicate with parents as often as possible, and please do not hesitate to get into contact with me. Please send me an email if you have any questions at or write a comment at the end of one of my posts. You can also reach me at school between 8am and 4pm at (905) 731-0000 extension 123. Please leave me a voicemail if I cannot be reached and I promise to return your calls promptly.
Please visit this blog regularly with your child, and I will update it often, with news and information on a variety of topics. There are links on the right-hand column to many different resources, both for parents and students that I encourage you to explore.
I look forward to meeting or speaking with you soon, and I am excited for a successful Grade 5 year!
Ms. Greenberg

- Welcome -

Greetings Grade 5’s!
Welcome to Ms. Greenberg’s class blog, this will be a great opportunity for us to connect and communicate outside of our classroom. On this blog you will find regular updates on what is happening in our classroom, homework info, links to some great websites, and news on upcoming events in our class and school.
I hope that you will visit this blog often, and please share this with your parents and family members. I will post links to interesting places to visit in Toronto, and different events that are happening around our city for you to take part in.
Most importantly, this is a blog you can visit to keep in touch with me outside of school time, and to gain information about our class. Please send me an email if you have any questions at or write a comment at the end of one of my posts. I promise to always write back promptly, and will try to help you to the best of my ability.
I am looking forward to working together, both in class and on our blog!
Ms. Greenberg