Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Election Time!

Greetings Grade 5’s!
As we have been discussing in class, the election is quickly approaching. On Monday, May 2nd, citizens across Canada will be voting for a new Prime Minister and choosing a political party to represent us.
This week in our Social Studies classes we have been learning about the different levels of government, and what services each one provides. The three levels are Municipal, Provincial, and Federal – do you remember which level of government the Prime Minister belongs to?
It is very important for all Canadians to go out and vote and this is our opportunity to voice our opinions. We have been discussing the rights and responsibilities of citizens in our Social Studies class, and you may recall that voting is both our right AND a responsibility.  Do you remember what age Canadians must be to vote?
We will be working on more activities related to the election this upcoming week, and we will be looking at the different political parties that are running in this election. You may have noticed different signs on peoples’ lawns and around our school – try to notice the different colours and if you can see a pattern. We will be discussing these signs in class on Monday. Some questions to consider...
Do you have an election sign on your lawn?
What is the name of the candidate on the sign?
What are the colours of your sign?
What do you think those colours represent?
I am certainly looking forward to our political discussions!
Ms. Greenberg

Do you recognize these men?

What is their role in the election?

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